Nathalia Show Otober 1st 2022!

The countdown is on to October 1st!


The show will have a variety of activities & attractions through out the day which reflect the traditions of agriculture & horticulture. Some highlights include - competitive classes in cookery, horticulture, artwork & craft work, plus horse and livestock classes, and the traditional annual carnival.      


Cattle Show

LEGO displays and competitions

Harry Furguson Tractor Show

Puppet Show

The Nathalia Angling Club will again be catering for the day. There will also be mini train rides, showbags, icecreams, face painting, community groups and more.

The schedule is available online on, printed copies will be available shortly from Nathalia Printers. Please check it out to see any things you might like to enter-great school holidays activities! 

For the tractor enthusiasts, there will be a special feature run by the Harry Ferguson Tractor Club in celebration of 75 years of the grey Ferguson tractor. There will be a static displays of tractors, competitions and demonstrations of various implements (in the next door church paddock, not the footy oval!!)

There will be working bees on Sunday 11th and 25th of September to prepare the grounds. All welcome to come along. 

There are already several tradespace stalls booked in, but we are calling for any more to make contact ASAP and book your spot on 0447529878.





Family Tickets: $25.00 will admit 2 adults & family (under 17)

Adults (16 years and over) $10

Students $5

Children under 5 Years– Free

Age Pensioners $8


Photos courtesy of Di Huber and Judy Ormond
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