Nathalia Botanical Walk
With the beautiful weather and autumn leaves changing into their glorious colours, what better time to go for a walk along Baala - the Broken Creek and check out the local botanical flora!
The walk goes from Main Bridge to Squeezy Bridge - Looped Walk Time:10 minutes Slow-45 mins.
You can pick up the Nathalia Botanical Walk Brochure from the Barmah Forest Heritage & Education Centre or at Nathalia Printers. The brochure will lead you along the the walk with directions to each flora variety along the way. There is also a little description and story inside of the different flora varieties! The brochure also has details for the best time to see the native wattles in bloom!
Keep an eye out for all the beautiful birds and fauna around the creek as you walk!
You will see nine Australian trees/wattles, both local provenance & wider Australian flora. *Some Yorta Yorta traditional names used.
Some of the flora you will see on the walk include:
Biyala River Red-gum
Port Jackson Fig
Cootamundra Wattle
Willow Wattle
Grey Box
Bayuna Yellow Box
Lightwood Wattle
Optional extra: A natural bush setting can be accessed from the earth ramp beside the walk. There is bush paths and log seating provided for you to enjoy this quiet haven.
*Not suitable if using walking aids.
You can find Coloured macro photos from the walk that can be viewed at the Barmah Forest Heritage & Education Centre! There is also local flora art, cards and district field guides. And much more to be seen at the Centre!
Dean adams — 09:13 AM
Since the devastating floods of 2022 Toxic water killed 99% of the native fish from nathalia to rices weir We have camped since on the lower broken around James bridge area Upstream of Kennedy’s weir not 1 native fish caught Hundreds of carp I have contacted Fisheries vic To be told once the water cleared and was back to normal they would start restocking This needs to happen from Nathalia’ right through to rices weir What has been done nothing Cmon it’s time to restock thousands upon thousands of native fish This beautiful waterway needs help now