Loch Garry FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions – Loch Garry operations


What progress has the Loch Garry Reference Committee made?

  • On Friday 23 June, the Loch Garry Reference Committee met for the final

  • The committee endorsed a revised set of operating rules that will be presented to the GMW Board for approval in August

  • The revised operating rules the committee have been shared with Loch Garry Flood Protection Customers via letter, social media, media, and GMW’s ‘Your Say’ website: https://yoursay.gmwater.com.au/loch-garry-reference-committee


Will the July 2023 rainfall pass through the levee breaches at Loch Garry?

  • GMW has been liaising with the Bureau of Meteorology about how rainfall experienced throughout July 2023 will change conditions on the Goulburn River near Loch

  • (As of 11 July) The Goulburn River at the Shepparton gauge is currently 8.97m, which is below minor flood

  • At this level the river is not high enough to pass through the levees.


Will the June/July 2023 rainfall delay the construction of the levees?

  • The rainfall throughout June has limited the works that can be undertaken on the site at

  • However, more favourable weather in recent days has seen activity on the site

  • The works are expected to be completed in early


What changes will Loch Garry customers see to their prices in the coming years?

  • GMW is still finalising the prices for Loch Garry Flood Protection

  • The cost of the levee repairs – which have been partially funded by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action – will be recuperated over 80

  • Prices are expected to increase from $1.87 per hectare in 2022-23 to $1.99 per hectare in 2023-24.

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